Diving Malta Classroom
Referrals PADI
Open Water Referral* €300
*PADI standards states that each student has their own personal copy of the relevant support materials for all certification courses. These are available through the dive center for our students. Any student providing their own support materials for the course needs to add a supplement of €120 for the PADI Course Registration Fee. If already registered online this does not apply
Specialty Course Number of Dives Number of Days Price
Wreck Diver* 4 2 €248
Deep Diver* 4 2 €248
Boat Diver 2 1 €124
A.W.A.R.E. Fish Identification 2 1 €124
Search and Recovery 4 2 €268
Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV)* 2 1 €184
Night Diver 3 3 €296
Nitrox Diver Theory Only 1 €40
Equipment Specialist 0 1 €100
Underwater Digital Photographer* 2 1 €124
Multilevel-Computer Diver* 2 1 €154
Underwater Navigator Diver 3 2 €190
Peak Performance Buoyancy 2 1 €154
*Price includes cylinders, air and weights and dive site transport only. Rental of Scuba Equipment and additional equipment required to complete the course e.g. camera, reels, computer, torches or boat charter will be charged as an additional supplement. PADI online e-learning for the Specialities costs €100.00 except for the Nitrox Diver online e-learning €120.00 . PADI Certification Fee (if using own manual) costs €120.00

Entry Level Courses

Discover Scuba Diving

Your first opportunity to experience scuba with the largest diving organisation in the world. This introduction is the first day of the Open Water Diver Course and included the first theory and confined water lessons plus your first open water dive. Price includes all equipment, transport and recognition card. Although this is not a certification in itself, it can be accredited towards the PADI Scuba Diver or the PADI Open Water course.

Scuba Diver (2 days) E-Learning

PADIs first level certification course consisting of 3 confined water and 3 academic sessions followed by 2 open water dives. This certification allows you to dive accompanied by an instructor or dive master to a depth of 12 meters. Price includes all necessary equipment, PADI Certification and dive site transport.

Not included in the price shown:

  • PADI online eLearning Access Code costs €120.00

Scuba Diver to Open Water Diver upgrade (2 days)

As qualified Scuba diver you may wish to upgrade your certification level to full Open Water diver status. To this requires that you complete the remaining 2 theory lessons and the final theory assessment together with the remaining 2 confirmed water training sessions and the final 2 open water qualification dives. This certification allows you to dive accompanied by an instructor or dive master to a depth of 18 meters. Price includes all necessary equipment, tuition and dive site transport.

PREREQUISITE: PADI course standards require that each student has access to their own personal manual for this course. If you already own a manual please bring this over with you, alternatively it is available through the dive center at a discounted rate for our students.

Open Water Diver (3 days) E-Learning

Comprehensive diver certification that is recognized world-wide. After enrolling on the PADI online eLearning platform you will be able to complete all the required academic study prior to arrival at the dive centre. Once here, one of our instructor team will complete the practical aspects of the course and administer the final theory assessment for you. This package includes the PADI Certification fee, all necessary equipment and dive site transport.

With diver safety as our number 1 priority, we ensure that group sizes are kept small. This enables the students to get the most out of their time with us.

Not included in the price shown:

  • PADI online eLearning Access Code costs €120.00
  • Log Book required for the course €8.00 or PADI Log Book €24.00 Available at the dive center.


Open Water Referral consists of the 4 Open Water qualification dives included in the price is all necessary equipment and dive site transport.

Pic Card Certification Fee  costs €120.

If you have opted for E-learning and purchased a PADI online Code then registration fees will already be included so there is no need to pay the fee.

You must also ensure that you bring with you all the relevant referral paper work from your initial instructor or facility.

Intermediate Diver Courses

Adventure Diver (1 day) E-Learning

A further 3 adventure dives following Open Water Certification allows those with limited time to increase their awareness of the underwater world by experiencing 3 different diving options and gain certification at this level. Price includes all necessary equipment, dive site transport and PADI Certification.

Advanced Open Water Diver (2 days) E-Learning

Building on the knowledge acquired during the Open Water Diver training, expand your diving horizons with hands-on training in special diving techniques. You are required to complete the Navigation and Deep Core Dives and then add 3 other optional dives such as Night, DPV and Wreck Dives, etc. (five dives included). The package includes PADI Certification, all necessary equipment and dive site transport.

Not included in the price shown:

  • PADI online eLearning Access Code costs €120.00

If owning your own manual there is a Pic-card supplement of €120.

Experienced Diver Courses

Rescue Diver eLearning (2 days)

Comprehensive diver certification that is recognized world-wide. After enrolling on the PADI online eLearning platform you will be able to complete all the required academic study prior to arrival at the dive centre. Once here, one of  our instructor team will complete the practical aspects of the course and administer the final theory assessment for you. This package includes the PADI Certification fee, all necessary equipment and dive site transport.
With diver safety as our number 1 priority, we ensure that group sizes are kept small. This enables the students to get the most out of their time with us.

Not included in the price shown: PADI online eLearning package that must be purchased €120.00 directly form PADI online using a link we will supply.

This highly respected level of Diver qualification requires that you are fully in control of your own personal diving skills, i.e. buoyancy, navigation etc. The objective is to stimulate your awareness and sense of responsibility. How to perceive and avoid problem situations and how to react in an emergency. This package includes PADI  Certification, dive site transport, tank and weights.

Professional Courses

Divemaster (2 weeks intensive course or 8/12 week internship)

Requirements: Entry – 40 logged dives / Exit – 60 logged dives. Your first step into the world of sport diving professionals. Acknowledging the fact that you are already an experienced and competent diver, this course concentrates on fine tuning your teaching and guiding skills while preparing you to take on the challenges involved in the role of Dive Master. The course is also a prerequisite for enrolling on the PADI Assistant Instructor and Instructor Course (IDC).

Support Materials
PADI online eLearning package that must be purchased directly from PADI online using a link we will supply.

PADI course standards require that each student has the Dive Master Crew Pack containing the manual and Dive Master Application Forms for this course. If you already own these materials please bring them with you, alternatively they are available through the dive center at discounted rates for our students.

PADI Assistant Instructor Course (minimum of 5 days)

This course can either be taken as a standalone course or is the first part of the PADI IDC. It focuses on teaching skills necessary for this level including classroom, confined and open water teaching presentations.

PREREQUISITE: PADI course standards require that each student has all necessary support materials for this course. If you already own these materials please bring them with you, alternatively they are available through the dive centre at discounted rates for our students. For a list of materials please enquire.

PADI IDC (9 days)

On completing this course you will be ready to undertake the PADI Instructor Exam (IE). The whole course prepares you for your role as a Professional Diving Instructor within the Diving Industry. The first 4 days focus on teaching skills necessary for this level including classroom, confined and open water teaching presentations, while the final 5 days introduce you to the various aspects involved in your role as a Diving Professional. Topics such as Business, Liability and Insurance are covered at this point.

PREREQUISITE: PADI course standards require that each student has all necessary support materials for this course. If you already own these materials please bring them with you, alternatively they are available through the dive center at discounted rates for our students. For a list of materials please enquire.

Speciality Courses

Wreck Diver

Malta is the best wreck diving destinations in Europe. Knowing how to safely asses and possibly penetrate a wreck is a skill worth learning. Discover out how to research a wrecks history, survey for entries and exits, and possible dangers. Learn how to correctly penetrate a wreck using a reel to create guiding lines. Invaluable skill set for those keen to dive Malta’s many fantastic wreck sites.

Deep Diver

Expand your maximum diving depth to 40m, allowing you to access the deeper sites to found around our shores. Learn about the extra considerations that come with this type of diving and how we dive safely at depth. This course requires that you are Advanced Open Water or equivalent before commencing.

Boat Diver

Learn your way around a boat, how to stow your dive gear and how to enter and exit the water. Boat diver specialty makes sure that you have the correct instruction to achieve a fun and comfortable experience when on boats by developing your knowledge of how to operate from various boat diving platforms.

A.W.A.R.E. Fish Identification

Make the reef come alive by taking A.W.A.R.E Fish ID Specialty. Learn the key to identifying creatures of the aquatic world by their distinctive shapes, markings, colors and behaviors. When you know the name of each fish you see, somehow there seem to be twice and many fish around!

Search & Recovery Diver

Search out your passion, claim your prize! Learn how to perform search patterns and lift objects from the depths. Find out about lift bags and knots that will make your recovery project a success. This is a great course for more advanced divers who fancy a challenge.

Diver Propulsion Vehicle Diver (DPV)

Go further with ease, see more with less effort, or go for action and adventure with a Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV). Learn how to maintain the Propulsion Vehicle, how to use it safely and how to get the most out of it, having a fun dive without harming aquatic life.

Night Diver

Delve into the dark and discover a whole new world of diving! Float as if in space, marvel at the beautiful beams of light piercing through the evening water. Search out new critters that come out when the sun goes down. Learn the techniques for communicating after dark, handling torches and having a safe and enjoyable night dive.

Enriched Air Diver

Get longer in the blue! Enriched air lowers the level of nitrogen you absorb during the dive and can mean longer dives, or shorter waiting times until your next dive! Learn how to safely plan and perform dives using Enriched Air – dealing with the special considerations that this kind of diving requires.

Equipment Specialist

Make your equipment last longer and perform better – learn to maintain it properly and how to resolve kit issues! Find out more about the inner workings of your equipment. Discover simple tips and tricks to keep your Scuba gear in top shape and what to pack so you’re never caught out at a dive site! This course is especially useful for those considering professional level training in diving. It is simply a classroom session, so its perfect to keep learning is you are stuck out of the water for any reason.

Digital Underwater Photograph

Introduction to the basics of camera care and framing a photographic subject underwater using tips and help form a keen instructor specializing in this skill set.

Multi-level and Computer Diver

Get more time on your deeper dives. Learn how planning different levels to your dive can extend your time for fun underwater! Learn how computers and multi-level planners work to give you extra NDL credit compared to basic tables. This course goes hand in hand with the Deep Dive Specialty.

Underwater Navigator

Find your way in diving. Learn how to navigate using both a compass and natural navigation techniques. Surface practice and underwater application will enhance your skills so that you can find your way easily in even low visibility.

Peak Performance Buoyancy (PPB)

Perfect your control of movement underwater. Optimize your weighting and your air consumption by reducing effort in your dives. Learn how to hover correctly, helping you to enjoy your time underwater spotting more marine life, creating better photos and advance your diving skills set for specialties such as wreck diving.